



I frequently received emails stating, "Payment by credit card could not be processed." At the beginning of the year, my main VISA card, which I had been using, changed to a new format due to the card company's policy. The card number and security code were no longer displayed, and the code number and expiration date changed simultaneously. This was the cause of the issue.

Most of the payments that could not be processed were for so-called subscription services. Subscription business models involve charging customers for the right to use a service for a specific period, rather than billing them for each usage. As long as the fees are paid, users can freely use the services. However, if the fees are not withdrawn or the contract expires, the services become unavailable.

I found out that I had subscribed to four movie streaming services. I had carelessly thought that it was cheaper than watching movies at the theater and ended up subscribing to more and more sites. Recently, I watch movies in bed, but due to my tendency to fall asleep quickly, I often have to restart serialized content. There were subscriptions that I didn't use even once in six months.

As for the docomo-affiliated dtv, its service name will change to "Lemino" starting April 12, 2023, and the monthly fee will increase from 550 yen to 990 yen. I immediately canceled the subscription. I decided to only keep NETFLIX and UNEXT for movie-related services, and I plan to reduce it to one eventually.

Regarding the design and editing software Adobe Illustrator, I discovered that I had subscribed to both the standalone software and the comprehensive software (including Illustrator in Creative Cloud) and had been paying for Illustrator twice for several years. I immediately canceled the former.

I also intend to review and sort out several book-reading subscriptions when they cannot be charged.

Even the trendy cloud services are subscription-based, and there is a possibility that their usage is increasing unknowingly. My main service is OneDrive, but it seems that I am also being charged for the Apple-based iCloud Drive and iCloud, where photos and videos taken on my smartphone are automatically saved.

Subscriptions, especially those with unclear contracts, automatic payments, and difficult-to-understand cancellation periods and methods, can be a trap for the elderly, similar to scams that prey on their sense of responsibility.

(Journalist Katsuhiko Inoue) 2023-04

 デザイン・編集のAdobe Illustratorにいたっては、単独ソフトと総合ソフト(Illustrator を含むCreative Cloud)両方のサブスクを契約していて、Illustratorの費用を数年にわたり重複して支払っていたことがわかり、前者を即、解約した。

(ジャーナリスト 井上勝彦)2023-04

「信用卡無法付款」的電子郵件頻繁收到。今年初,本人主要使用的VISA卡因卡公司的原因更改為新方法,卡號和安全碼均無法顯示,同時代碼號和有效期限也發生了變化。  無法結算的大部分是所謂的訂閱服務。訂閱(サブスク)是一種商業模式,不是每次都收取服務費用,而是對一定期間內可以使用的權利收取費用。在支付費用期間可以自由使用服務,但是費用扣除或合約結束後無法使用。  在網上看電影的服務竟然簽約了4個。因為比在電影院觀看便宜,所以輕易地考慮,不知不覺簽約的網站增加了。最近經常在躺在床上看,因為容易入睡,特別是連續劇,結果反复回到開頭。甚至有訂閱一個月都沒看過半年一次。  NTT DOCOMO的dtv將於2023年4月12日起更名為「Lemino(レミノ)」,同時進行更新,原來的月費550日元將大幅提高至990日元,因此立即取消合約。只留下NETFLEX和UNEXT的電影相關業務。這些也打算最終只選擇一個。  至於設計和編輯的Adobe Illustrator,發現已經簽訂了單獨軟體和綜合軟體(包括Illustrator的Creative Cloud)的訂閱,幾年來一直在重複支付Illustrator的費用,立即取消前者的合約。  應該還簽訂了幾個書籍閱覽訂閱,也打算在無法扣款時整理這些。  最近流行的雲服務也是訂閱的,但也有可能在不知不覺中增加。主要使用的是OneDrive,但似乎Apple系統的iclouddrive和使用智能手機拍攝的照片和影像自動保存在iCloud的訂閱也會產生費用。  訂閱難以理解的是簽約事實、自動支付費用、取消合約的期限和方法,對於老年人來說,儘管是自己責任,但訂閱也像是自己陷入詐騙的陷阱。

(記者 井上勝彦)2023-04
