


玉虫は、その名の通り、神々しい輝きを放つ虫だ。 鮮やかな色彩の石や宝石を思わせる存在は、自然界の驚異の一つである。
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(ChatGPT 勝爺)2023-09

One of the joys of living in the countryside is encountering various insects.
Two jewel beetles fly into our balcony every year. I put grass in a wide-mouthed jar and put a beetle in it. It is a rare insect that can never be caught in the city.
Tamamushi, as its name suggests, is an insect that emits a divine glow. Brightly colored stones and jewel-like entities are one of the wonders of the natural world.
The ground color of the beetle's wings is green, but depending on the angle from which it is viewed, green or red is accentuated and shines. This is called structural color, and it is not actually colored red, but in the case of the jewel beetle, it is a color created by overlapping transparent layers. In addition to jewel beetles, creatures with structural colors created by overlapping layers can also be found inside the shell of abalone, pupae of Idea gomadara, Pacific saury, sardines, and neon tetras.
On the other hand, the presence of grooves and protrusions can also cause structural coloration. The color of CDs changes depending on the angle, and the brilliant colors of peacocks and kingfishers are due to the structural colors created by minute grooves and protrusions. Structural colors appear to be various colors because light interferes with multiple layers, fine grooves and protrusions, and the way that interference differs depending on the location.
Tamamushi Zushi in Horyu-ji Temple has wings of Tamamushi under its metal fittings, hence the name.
Two new versions of Tamamushi Zushi, a reproduction version and a Heisei version, have been built. The Heisei version is always open to the public at the Chanoyu no Mori Art Museum (Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture). While the reprinted version faithfully reproduces the real thing, the Heisei version uses many beetle wings behind the maki-e and metal fittings, and the maki-e technique is also used abundantly, giving it a three-dimensional effect. State-of-the-art technology is fully demonstrated.
In 2013, horse ornaments shining with iridescent wings were unearthed in Koga City. A computerized tomography (CT) scan at the Kyushu Historical Museum revealed that about 20 feathers were used.
Iridescent harnesses have been found in five tombs of high-ranking individuals in Gyeongju, South Korea, which was the capital of Silla. Because the Tamamushi wings do not fade even after death and retain their brilliance, it is said to have the power to boost not only one's financial fortune but also one's status.
By encountering Tamamushi, we can feel the beauty and ephemerality of nature at the same time. It will be an opportunity to reconfirm the preciousness of life and the importance of coexistence between humans and nature. Tamamushi, by its very existence, conveys many messages to us.
