



引きこもりは現代病のように思えるでしょうが、実は昔からあったよう。それは昔話『ものぐさ太郎』からもうかがえます。このお話は説話集 『御伽草子』に収録されたものが最も有名ですが、全国各地に同様の話が残っています。あらすじは、こうです。いつも道端で寝そべり、口癖は 「めんどくせぇ」の男性が主人公のものぐさ太郎。このものぐさ太郎がいつも通り寝そべっていると、地域の権力者が通りかかります。ものぐさ太郎は権力者の前でもいつも通りゴロゴロ。これを面白がった権力者は、ものぐさ太郎に食事を与えるように。その後、仕事も与え、ものぐさ太郎は力を発揮します。最終的には美しい女性を妻にめとり、ものぐさ太郎は元の姿が思い出せないほど幸せに暮らしたとのこと。
(コラムニスト ふじかわ陽子)2023-06

One of the issues in modern society is "hikikomori," a phenomenon where individuals withdraw from social life. According to a survey by the Japanese Cabinet Office, there are over one million people nationwide who have been shut-ins at home for six months or longer. While many experts are making efforts to solve this problem, the nature of the issue being within the confines of homes means that proactive support is not reaching everyone.

Hikikomori may seem like a modern ailment, but it actually has roots in the past. This can be seen in the old tale of "Lazy Taro." The most famous version of this story is found in the collection of folk tales called "Otogi Zōshi," but similar stories exist throughout the country. The synopsis goes like this: Lazy Taro, a man who always lies around on the roadside and constantly utters the phrase "It's bothersome," is the protagonist. One day, a local authority figure happens to pass by Lazy Taro. Unfazed by the man's laziness, the authority figure finds it amusing and decides to provide him with food. Later, he also offers him work, and Lazy Taro demonstrates his abilities. In the end, Lazy Taro marries a beautiful woman and lives happily, to the point of forgetting his former self.

Lazy Taro, resembling the Japanese version of Cinderella, actually follows the classic pattern of a hikikomori reintegrating into society. It involves adequate rest, nutrition, and, above all, the presence of someone who understands them. In the case of Lazy Taro, it was the authority figure who fulfilled this role. Rather than looking down upon Lazy Taro, the authority figure approached him with curiosity. It was because of this that Lazy Taro could feel at ease and take on the job he was introduced to. If there had been no one to understand him, Lazy Taro would have likely continued to lie around, fearing work.

Likewise, in modern hikikomori cases, the presence of someone who understands them seems crucial. Simply ridiculing or belittling them because of their defiant attitude won't bring about any change. Taking an interest in understanding the other person is the first step towards resolving the hikikomori problem.

Perhaps your neighbor or even someone in your own family is struggling with hikikomori. Instead of distancing yourself with thoughts like "I don't understand" or "It makes me uncomfortable," why not try to get to know them as fellow human beings? This is something that anyone can do, regardless of being an expert. Your kindness may change someone's life. If this circle of kindness expands, we can surely create a society where everyone can live more comfortably. It is important to make use of the wisdom left behind by our predecessors.
