まず、一つ目のポイントは、急須の選択です。 急須は茶葉の広がりを考え、お茶の成分を適度に抽出する役割を果たします。特にガラスの急須は、茶葉が開き、色どりの風味が解き放たれる様子を視覚的に楽しむことができます。
二つ目のポイントは、お湯の温度です。 特に、新茶は温度に敏感で、繊細な風味を引き出すためには適切な温度が必要となります。 新茶には60度から70度程度のお湯が良いされています。また、一度たっぷりとお茶を注ぐのではなく、ゆっくりと数回に分けて注ぐことで、茶葉のうまみを十分に引き出すことができます。
三つ目のポイントは、ゆっくりと味わうことだ。 新茶はその豊かな香りと繊細な味わいをじっくりと感じるために、一杯のお茶を少しずつ、何度も味わうのがおススメ。口に含んだとき、まずはその香りを感じて、次にお茶の甘味、渋み、苦みを一つずつ考えてみるといい。
(ChatGPT 勝爺)2023-07
It's the season of new tea.
To enjoy fresh tea, it is most important to feel its flavor and aroma. Shincha is the first tea harvested in the year and is said to have a particularly delicate taste and aroma. Therefore, the point is how to make the most of its characteristics.
First of all, the first point is the selection of the teapot. Considering the spread of tea leaves, the teapot plays a role in extracting the right amount of tea ingredients. Especially with the glass teapot, you can visually enjoy how the tea leaves open and the colorful flavors are released.
The second point is the temperature of the hot water. Shincha is particularly sensitive to temperature and requires the right temperature to bring out its delicate flavor. Hot water of about 60 to 70 degrees is good for fresh tea. Also, instead of pouring the tea all at once, you can bring out the full flavor of the tea leaves by pouring it slowly in several batches.
An acquaintance once took me to a tea farm in Nakaizu, and at that time, I was surprised at the sweetness of the new tea that my husband brewed. After that, I wanted to imitate and brew it, but I was impatient, so I used hot water, and it didn't taste good. Blame it on the tea leaves and inadvertently make a quick decision that the higher priced tea is better and fail.
The AI-equipped fully automatic teapot teplo has become a hot topic, so I immediately bought it. A hardware engineer from Japan and a software engineer from India, whom I met during my MBA studies, collected and analyzed data to create an electric pot equipped with extraction technology at the optimum temperature and time. By linking with a smartphone app and touching your fingertips, it will automatically extract the optimum brew according to your mood of the day, but it is difficult to master. The exclusive tea leaves (especially green tea are delicious) seem to be of good quality, and can be extracted even with past data.
The third point is to savor slowly. In order to fully appreciate the rich aroma and delicate taste of new tea, it is recommended that you savor a cup of tea little by little and many times. When you put it in your mouth, first feel the aroma, then think about the sweetness, astringency, and bitterness of the tea one by one.
Everyone has their own way of enjoying shincha, but one thing is certain: to enjoy its delicate flavor, you need to calm your mind and take your time. Feel the change of the four seasons in luxury, isn't it?